The crops are at risk because they are already resentful of the continuous entry of several cold fronts for weeks, warned the head of the Caades Agrometeorological Service, Manuel de Jesús Ortiz
Culiacán, Sinaloa.- The entry of the cold front 24 this week generates the possibility of frosts from Choix to Culiacán and even in the lower part as in Guasave, where the thermometer could drop to zero degrees under shelter, which already it is indicative of frost for the crops, warned the head of the Agrometeorological Service of Caades, Manuel de Jesús Ortiz Acosta.
He indicated that this Monday the cold front is oriented from the United States towards Sonora, Baja California Sur, and the Pacific Ocean, by this Tuesday it will already be between the limits of Sonora and Sinaloa, and by the afternoon and evening, it will begin to have greater influence over the north area.
On Wednesday it will be in the southern part of the entity, the cold is expected on Thursday as it will be seasoned with the entry of cloudiness and rain for the central and southern areas of the entity, where the minimum outdoors can be less than three degrees.
“There will be places where temperatures can reach not just zero, a little below zero degrees, so today’s bulletin we are considering the possibility of frost in some areas, especially in the mountains from Choix to Culiacán, the highlands of Culiacán ”, he expressed.
However, in the lower part of what is the valley, there are microclimates that contribute to making this season especially susceptible to frost, such as the El Carrizo area and in Nío and Bamoa, in Guasave, where this phenomenon is not ruled out. while in Culiacán and Navolato the thermometer can drop to two degrees in the open and five in the shelter.
He clarified that unlike the frost of 2011, which was an arctic mass where irrigation caused ice to form on the ground and practically “kill” the plants, this polar air mass is different that perhaps it would not cause not so much problem, although, With so many cold fronts that have entered in recent weeks, the crops are at risk.
“It is what makes the fact that this air mass can go very low in temperatures risky.”
Can it affect engineer more than it could affect at other times in other conditions?
“That’s right, exactly,” he said.
Ortiz Acosta recommended that producers be attentive to their crops, especially Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and be ready to give some irrigation to mitigate the effects of the frost and the general population to take the necessary provisions to spend as warm as possible these days .