There is a blackout in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area; spreads to other states


Inhabitants of several colonies reported that they were left without electricity; hospitals work with light plants.

MONTERREY.- This afternoon an electrical blackout was reported in various parts of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, as well as in other cities of the country.

Around 2:40 in the afternoon, the inhabitants of neighborhoods such as Independencia, Cumbres, San Jerónimo, San Miguel, Xochimilco, Lomas de Anáhuac, among others, reported that they were left without electricity.

The damage also reached the traffic lights of major avenues. Motorists reported that there was no signage on roads such as Nogalar, Los Angeles, Diego Díaz de Berlanga and República Méxicana in San Nicolás de los Garza.

The entity’s hospitals were not affected, as they immediately operated with power plants.

“We have active light plants that enter three and five seconds,” said the deputy director of the Metropolitan Hospital, Amalia Becerra.

The supply failure spread to other entities of the Republic, mainly Mexico City, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Tamaulipas.

The Federal Electricity Commission reported that it is awaiting a response from CENACE, the independent operator of the National Electric System.

“The CFE is awaiting a response from @CenaceMexico to determine the diagnosis of the drop in electricity supply in different parts of the country,” the tweet indicates.

Minutes later, Cenace reported that there was an imbalance in the system between charging and power generation.

“There was an imbalance in the National Interconnected System between the load and the power generation, causing a loss of approximately 7,500 MW,” he reported.

He added that they are working with CFE for the restoration of service on a continuous basis.

Source: mty.telediario.m

Monterrey Daily Post