Bajío Train, a project that seeks to connect Guanajuato, Querétaro, State of Mexico and CDMX


Next station: Guanajuato. The Bajío Train seeks to revolutionize public transportation in the north-central area of ​​Mexico.

The dream of reconnecting the country through its railways continues and could become a reality with the Tren Bajío, a project that the TMsourcing company presented to the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) without being requested. The federal secretariat agreed to evaluate the proposal, which seeks to connect the states of Guanajuato, Querétaro, the State of Mexico and CDMX.

Although it is still a project on hold, if accepted it would become one of the most important in recent years, as it would connect one of the most economically important regions of the Republic. According to TMsourcing, the route will have 12 stations and will be used by 40,000 users daily.

Likewise, it is a project conceived as a complement to the transport network that will be inaugurated with the forthcoming opening of the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA). For this, connections have been planned for the AIFA and the Suburban Train.

“The project seeks to efficiently link Mexico City with the most important human trafficking corridor in the country, through 416 km of existing roads or rights of way,” the company said.


Tren Bajío, the dream of the northern part of the megalopolis

According to Adolfo González, president of the TMsourcing Board, the idea is for the Tren Bajío to be a project carried out in partnership with ejidatarios and local investors.

If approved by the government, the Tren Bajío will have an initial investment of 80 million pesos to carry out studies in the region. Subsequently, 50 billion pesos will be invested in railway development over the next five years. No real estate or commercial projects are contemplated.

The Tren Bajío could revolutionize the means of transportation in the central-northern area of ​​the country, which would translate into better care for the environment and cheaper options for the nearly 30 million potential travelers.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that a railway route has been attempted to connect the states of Mexico, Querétaro and CDMX. In 2012, the construction of an extension of the Suburban Train route was announced with the aim of reaching Querétaro, however, in 2015 it was suspended due to budget cuts.

Reviven plan de trenes en Guadalajara | El Heraldo de México

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