Unemployed, 90% of construction companies in southern Sinaloa


The CMIC Construction Industry Chamber (Cámara de la Industria de la Construción) southern delegation requests the immediate reactivation of public works, so small and medium-sized companies can get some “oxygen”.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa (August 17, 2020).- The health and economic crisis that Mazatlán, Sinaloa and the entire country is experiencing has caused the construction sector to collapse since 90% of companies in the south of the state have already stopped all operations, and are at risk of closing definitely given the economic paralysis due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Eleuterio Silva Trujillo

The president of the National Chamber of the Construction Industry southern delegation, Eleuterio Silva Trujillo, explained that of the 98 affiliated companies only 9 currently have work.

He said that at least 10 companies have already closed and others are about to close. And although they do not have a statistic of the jobs that are generated, because there are businesses that have five or up to 50 employees, in addition to those that are hired eventually when needed, which can be up to 120 depending on the size of the construction company. COVID has been a hard blow to the sector and the thousands of people who depend on it.

Eleuterio Silva Trujillo pointed out that in the face of the economic crisis, practically the large construction companies in Mazatlán have reduced their workforce, becoming small or medium-sized companies, and some have disappeared.

Eleuterio Silva Trujillo protesting as president of the National Chamber of the Construction Industry

“Many will disappear and those that remain are becoming micro and small companies that manage a low operating cost, as well as larger companies, that will have to reduce their staff to be able to meet their expenses,” he concluded.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post