Lawyers protest outside the administrative unit in Mazatlan to reopen courts


The annoyance of the protesters is that the beer sale is opened and not the opening of the tribunals

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In the facilities of the administrative unit, a protest was carried out by lawyers from Mazatlan.

The annoyance of the protesters is that the beer sale is opened and not the opening of the courts. The complainants shouted, “beer no, courts yes”.

Barzón’s legal director José Guadalupe Morales pointed out that state governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel has to understand the importance of starting with the opening of court activities.

He assured that if lawyers from other municipalities such as Culiacán and Los Mochis had no response, they will join the protest to pressure the authorities.

Ask the authorities to disinfect the court areas to start activities.

Jesús Cacique, exclaimed that the courts are a priority.

The situation of justice is important, we are the link for the authority to apply the law, said Ana Rosa Tirado

They detailed that the issue of justice should never have stopped.

They urge the state government to attend at least virtually, since there are many conflicts and the court is saturated.


The Mazatlan Post