University of Sinaloa declares Governor Rubén Rocha Moya persona “non grata”


CULIACÁN, SINALOA..- The photograph of Rubén Rocha Moya will be removed from the gallery of the Rectors’ Room of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, upon being declared persona “Non grata” because as governor of the state, he organized a political persecution against officials university students.

In a session of the university council, at the proposal of teacher Teohari Guzmán Galindo, advisor and member of the “Good Doing” Association, he proposed eliminating the photograph of Rocha Moya, who served as rector in the period 1993-1997, considering him a traitor to the educational institution.

During the session, Jesús Madueña Molina, rector temporarily separated from his position by a control judge as a precautionary measure, said that, in an institution with a financial deficit, they are not thieves or corrupt, however, they are punished by the state government that they say wants to “bring them to their knees.”

The University Council agreed to file formal criminal complaints against the Superior State Auditor, Emma Guadalupe Félix Rivera, and the local deputies, Feliciano Castro Melendrez, president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress. As well as against local legislators Ricardo Madrid Pérez and Sergio Mario Arredondo, for the attacks against the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, based on alleged irregularities found in the reviews of the public accounts of the academic institution.

Robespier Lizárraga Otero, in charge of the rectory office, described that the recent resolution of the District Judge that rendered audit 012/2023 of the Superior State Audit of the university’s own resources void, demonstrated that a crime against authorities and university students was fabricated.

Lizárraga Otero concluded that with this injunction ruling another momentous chapter closes in the defense of autonomy and demonstrates that everything has been a political persecution that state institutions have used to persecute innocent people.

Source: El Universal

The Mazatlan Post