Woman stabbed to death in broad daylight in León, Guanajuato (VIDEO)


A video circulating on social networks shows the moment in which a woman is stabbed to death by a criminal, in broad daylight, on the streets of León, Guanajuato.

The recording, which lasts almost a minute and a half, shows the moment in which a woman, who carries a coffee in her hand and a white backpack on her back, walks alone through the streets of the Granada neighborhood 06:33 a.m. when suddenly a subject follows her.

The woman, without realizing that she is being closely followed by the murderer, continues on her way; moments later, both the subject and the girl can be seen on the video struggling.

The assailant, who carries a knife in his right hand, pulls the woman’s backpack, but she resists and tries to throw the coffee in his face, although the liquid does not touch the subject’s face, at that moment, the attacker stabs his victim repeatedly.

After the attack, the criminal, who wears a green shirt and blue pants, runs away from the scene while the woman asks for help when she realizes that she is bleeding profusely as a result of her injuries.

According to police reports, after the attack, residents of the area called the emergency number 911, but by the time the paramedics arrived, the woman no longer had vital signs.

Source: OEM

San Miguel Post