It is well known by all that Mexican gastronomy is one of the richest and best-known on the entire planet. The variety of dishes that can be found in all the states of the republic is not only gigantic but also very exotic. In Puebla, for example, is the origin of the huitlacoche, which although it is very common to see it in the snacks of the metropolitan area, not everyone views very favorably eating a mushroom that comes out of corn.
In Oaxaca, you can find the stone soup, which, unlike the placebo in the story, is full of shellfish and raw fish that is cooked with red-hot stones, and when they break, it means that it is ready to be enjoyed. But definitely, the enormous variety of insect dishes is something that makes Mexican food something very special, but also, with a huge tradition that goes back more than 500 years.
for those who haven’t had the opportunity to taste maguey worm quesadillas, Escamoles gorditas (ant larvae), or grasshopper ice cream, this April 1st and 2nd you can’t miss the sixth edition of Bichópolis, the largest edible insect festival in Mexico City.
Organized by the farmers market, El Bonito Tianguis, this event will not be limited to eating everything that is in front of you (although that is the main attraction); conferences, live concerts, shows, and workshops for children and a market for producers and artisans, are part of the activities that can be enjoyed at Bichópolis 2023. It is worth mentioning that the event WILL NOT HAVE DISPOSABLES, so if you plan to order to go, it will be a good idea to bring your containers.

For this edition, the guests will be the state of Oaxaca, the municipality of Teotihuacán, and the mayor’s office of Tlahuac, all of which have very special ways of cooking insects. Here is the complete gastronomic offer of Bichópolis 2023:
- insect tlayudas
- Sopes, tamales and insect tacos
- Scorpions (Alacràn)
- 35 different insects from Oaxaca
- Ahuautle (fly roe)
- Pads stuffed with insects
- chocolates with insects
- insect sauces
- Variety of kinds of honey
- Churritos and cookies with insects
- milkshakes with insects
- Tamales, gorditas and grasshopper tacos
- Insect protein for athletes
- Scorpions Chilorio
- insect energy bars
- snacks with insects
- Mole with crayfish
- banderillas with insects
- cricket jerky
- grasshopper ice cream
- Distillates with scorpion
- Madagascar cockroaches with chocolate
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- For many diners, a gastronomic event cannot be complete without alcoholic beverages, and luckily, in Bichópolis you will be able to find a wide variety of pulque, tequila, and more. At the same time, those who want to get all the insects possible to make their own dishes at home will be able to find:
- grasshoppers
- scorpions
- spiders
- Chicatanas
- beetles
- Jumiles
- lobsters
- larvae
- Crickets
- Bedbugs
- caterpillars
- Maguey worms
- Escamoles
- Snails
- fly eggs
- crayfish
- Every year, Bichópolis takes place at the Colegio México Roma campus, located in Roma Norte in the Cuauhtémoc district of Mexico City.
- The price per person is only $20.00 MXN pesos, and as if that were not enough, pets are also welcome. It is a fact that many still feel sick to their stomachs when they think about eating insects, however, various experts say that they are an excellent alternative to combat malnutrition in various parts of the world, since, as is well known, insects are very Rich in all kinds of nutrients.
- Chef Beverly Ramos, an expert in entomophagy, shared during an interview held in 2022 the importance of this practice in current times.
- Source: INFOBAE
- The Mexico City Post
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