“Carnita Asada” in Canada ends with a call to the Firefighters


“Carnita Asada” in Canada, cooked by Sonoran, goes viral because firefighters arrived for fire.

Mexican gastronomy is one of the most varied and well-known in the world, an aspect that has caused a large amount of tourism and, therefore, a large economic spill, in addition, of course, to being a must-see characteristic of traditions and culture; However, recreating these traditions outside of Mexico is not always easy, as demonstrated by a network user, who points out how a “carnitas asada” in Canada ended with a call to the Fire Department.

National gastronomy is, without a doubt, an important part of the culture of Mexicans abroad, so much so that, according to what was indicated by “The travel guide specializing in local gastronomy, TasteAtlas 2021″, Mexico ranked first within of the ranking of countries with the best dishes in the world, which has allowed the food and beverage industry sector to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) just over 703 thousand 608 million Mexican pesos.

These figures demonstrate one of the difficulties faced by nationals residing abroad, since, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( INEGI ), there are currently just over 100,000 Mexicans residing within Canadian soil.

Carne Asada in Canada ends with a call to the Firefighters

In Mexico it is common to find, within the streets and neighborhoods, a stove lit with meat, a reason that, beyond feeding, generates a whole social process of coexistence; However, in countries like Canada, it is not usually a common scenario, as shown by the TikTok user @esmirna.quiroz, who was preparing a “carnitas asada” inside his home, a reason that supposedly alerted some of the neighbors, for so a fire truck came to the scene.


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Although the reason why the emergency services came is unknown, according to what has been pointed out by HOMEChem (Observations at Home of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry, for its acronym in English), preparing roasted meat encourages the development of PM2 particles. 5, which are related to pollution and travel through the bloodstream, settling within the lungs, liver, brain and heart, as well as being likely sources of fires. 

However, this is not the only time that a Mexican has faced a culture shock within a foreign country, as shown by a network user, who regularly talks about differences between Mexico and Canada , such as, for example, that in that country closing roads for private reasons is illegal and can result in economic fines.

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For society in general, gastronomic traditions are fundamental, since it is through them that links are generated and culture is promoted, in addition to being an important part of coexistence. 

The Sonora Post