50 water tanks will be installed to supply the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey


The Caintra has donated 500 water tanks and more than 280 water pipes to support workers, communities, and schools in Monterrey with water. Irma León Garza, vice president of Caintra, said that the union supports the water crisis in Monterrey. Photo: Enrique Hernandez.

The National Chamber of the Transformation Industry of Nuevo León (Caintra) will deliver 50 10,000-liter water tanks to mitigate the water shortage situation, mainly in the neediest communities in the Monterrey metropolitan area.
BLM News

Caintra, the state Secretary of Equality and Inclusion, and the municipal government of García installed one of the 50 cisterns in the San Blas Community Center to supply water to the inhabitants of the municipality.

“Today, as part of this effort, we are delivering this community water tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters of water, so that water is available to them and they can meet the most basic needs in their homes,” reported Irma León Garza, vice president of Caintra and President of the SME Commission.

“This water tank represents one of the 50 units that the business sector, through our ‘Let’s add a jet’ movement, is installing throughout the Monterrey metropolitan area,” said the businesswoman.

“The state government, the municipal governments and the private initiative are united so that together we can support the community. As entrepreneurs, mainly small and medium-sized, we understand and also experience the effects of the lack of water”, she commented.

The Caintra representative stressed that the industry has focused on finding solutions that allow a way out of the situation of scarcity.

In turn, Martha Herrera, Secretary of Equality and Inclusion of Nuevo León, recognized the effort that the municipality has made and thanked the companies and entrepreneurs through Caintra for worrying and working so that people have water; In addition, she invited more companies to join in supporting the Monterrey metropolitan area.

Caintra has provided more than 500 water tanks to workers, communities, and schools, as well as more than 280 truck trips to different neighborhoods to alleviate water shortages during this period in the metropolitan area. from Monterrey.

Source: Forbes Mexico

Monterrey Daily Post