On Tuesday, January 11, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who is isolated due to his second COVID-19 infection, announced that his fellow tabasqueño Javier May Rodríguez ceased to be the head of the Welfare Secretariat to become the new general director of the National Fund of Tourist Development (Fonatur), replacing Rogelio Jiménez Pons.
This change is key, taking into account that the Fonatur is the unit in charge of the construction of the Maya Train, one of the flagship megaprojects of the AMLO government that should be ready by Dece5mber 2023, with a dimension of 1,500 kilometers (it will cross five states of the southeast) and an investment close to 200 billion pesos, 43% more than its original cost due to changes in its route.
This will represent a great challenge for May Rodríguez, since the native of Comalcalco, Tabasco, does not have a career in the construction industry; in fact, he only has a high school education as indicates his file on the Legislative Information System (SIL). However, he has been in close contact with the social programs of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” (4T).
Source: Infobae