106 municipalities in Yucatan seek to guarantee human rights protection


Mérida, Yucatán.- All 106 Yucatecan municipalities are seeking to establish mechanisms for the protection of the human rights of their inhabitants.

The president of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Yucatan (Codhey), Miguel Óscar Sabido Santana, informed that they are promoting that in each demarcation there be an entity that fulfills this objective, as well as a norm that allows a municipal regulation for the protection of citizens.

“The generation of a municipal regulation of human rights, that each municipality has regulations and a human rights unit. Merida already has, through these agreements, also Izamal, Valladolid and Tekax”, he explained.

MEX5374. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 23/06/2021.- Personas realizan su vida cotidiana por las principales calles este miércoles, en Ciudad de México. Tras cuatro meses consecutivos de reducción de contagios en México, la pandemia de covid-19 vuelve a repuntar en varias zonas del país, lo que ha encendido las alarmas ante una posible y temida tercera ola pese al avance en la vacunación. EFE/ Carlos Ramírez

According to the interviewee, this municipal policy seeks to ensure that the authorities take care of human rights issues in the municipalities, as well as that they are attended to and, above all, that violations of the guarantees are avoided in the community.

The ombudsman pointed out that collaboration agreements are established with the authorities, in addition to the fact that constant revisions are made in their facilities, in order to reinforce the culture of individual respect.

“The supervisions we make to public jails, to municipal health centers. I believe that all this work should, hopefully, bear fruit to prevent human rights violations from continuing or, at least, be reduced so that there is greater respect for citizens,” he said.

He recalled that the Codhey has signed agreements with 50 municipalities to address this and other sections in this area, a figure that will increase by the end of this year, although the goal is to reach 106 municipalities in terms of attention to human rights.

Source: SIPSE

The Yucatan Post