The third wave of covid-19, driven mainly by the arrival of the Delta variant in our country, led to more transmissions in the last month alone than in the May-July period.
n August, 504,158 coronavirus infections were registered in the country, this represents the highest number of cases for any month and is equivalent to 15 percent of all infections registered since the beginning of the health crisis, according to figures from the Secretariat of health.
The third wave of covid-19, driven mainly by the arrival of the Delta variant in our country, led to more transmissions being recorded in the last month alone than in the May-July period of this year when 503 thousand 497 diagnoses were recorded. positive for this disease.

The increase in infections began to register in mid-June. (Jorge Carballo)
The increase in infections began to register in mid-June and reached an exponential phase last July, but the maximum level of spread was registered in mid-August and in recent days there has been a reduction in the speed of spread of the virus.
The daily technical reports reported each day by the federal authorities show that in the 31 days of August, 16,263 daily infections were averaged, a figure higher by 2,132 cases compared to the average obtained last January when the second wave of infections reached its highest level.
In fact, in the last 31 days, the six days with the highest number of new positive cases in the country were registered, with August 18 being the day with the most infections with 28,953 confirmed infections in the country.
At the beginning of the month, various health specialists anticipated that the return to classes would occur precisely at the peak of infections of the third wave, however, this was observed on August 14 when 160,407 active cases were reported and in recent days the figure fell to 100,000 cases.
Already in the first days of September, there was a slight increase in active cases, since the federal government reports counted between 105 thousand and 108 thousand cases per day.
Various specialists have pointed out in various publications and on their own social networks that the drop in cases that occurred since the third week of August may be overshadowed by the return to school since the mobility of people will increase considerably.
Upon returning to the classrooms, it must be added that in September there is an increase in social life with the festivities of the Independence of Mexico. It should be remembered that a year ago, when people were more strictly quarantined, the first mobility peak was registered since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 and for this year there are fewer restrictions.

Various specialists have pointed out in various publications. (Jorge Carballo)
Comparative with second wave
In the period of December 2020 and January 2021, the most critical months of the second wave of infections, the authorities of the Ministry of Health recorded 750 thousand 717 infections in the country, but between July and August of this year that figure was It was overshadowed by the 833,141 infections reported.
The difference between the periods with the most transmission of the virus was 82 thousand 424 positive cases, a figure that alone is higher than the cases reported in May 2021 when only 68 thousand 987 cases were registered.
Despite the high number of infections caused by the Delta variant, in the last two months, 18 thousand 222 deaths from coronavirus were reported in the country, a figure 65 percent lower than the 52 thousand 596 cases reported in December of last year and January of present year.