Mazatlan airport and highway to Culiacan closed due to flooding


For more than 24 hours the port of Sinaloa has been subjected to rains caused by “Nora”, which was first as a hurricane and then as a storm

Both the Mazatlán airport and the highway to Culiacán remain closed due to the effects of the remnants of Hurricane Nora that has hit the south of Sinaloa since Sunday morning and that even this Monday morning kept heavy rains over the region.

Since last night, the Mazatlán Rafael Buelna International Airport reported through his Twitter account that it would remain closed at least until today at 8:00 a.m.

“@A AeropuertoDeMZT closed to operations: NOTAM A4818 / A Airport closed from 0430z (22:30 local) to 14: 00z (08:00 local)”.

The National Guard also reiterated the suspension of airport operations.

“Attention in Sinaloa, air operations are suspended at the Mazatlán International Airport due to adverse weather conditions. Stay informed through official sources ”, he reported since Sunday night.

No description available.

A video that circulated last night on social networks shows that the airport facilities are flooded.

The Mazatlán-Culiacán Highway has also reported intermittent closures due to flooding since yesterday.

The last report is from today Monday at 5:06 am.

“Caution, slow down, road closed due to flooding at kilometer 178 + 800 southbound. Use alternate routes ”.

Three hours earlier, the same official account of the Highway had reported the closure of the road at kilometer 247.

The National Highway Guard warned this morning of flooding on the Tepic-Mazatlán highway ”.

“Take precautions, in Nayarit, a road circulation device is implemented due to the increasing level of rainwater on the asphalt strip near kilometer 075 + 000 highway (2590) Tepic-Mazatlán, Lo de Lamedo-Tecualilla section (Aut. Tepic- Villa Union). Slow down, “says the report at 4:51 am this Monday morning.


The Mazatlan Post