Green Angles recommend not traveling the Durango-Mazatlan Hwy due to Hurricane Nora


Ricardo Picos Quintero asked motorists and transporters to circulate with caution through the Mazatlan bypass because it is a landslide area

The regional coordination of Green Angels asked the public to stay alert on their way by the issuance of Mazatlan because it is considered an area of landslides.

Ricardo Picos Quintero, in charge of the relief corporation, also called on the Mazatlan Civil Protection coordination to stay alert and point out any eventuality, since although the meshes placed on the hills reduce the risks, due to the rains these could soften from more and cause a major collapse. 

"Avoid traveling on highways": Green Angels ask the population through the "Nora" pass

Regarding the traffic on the roads of the region before the Nora pass, Picos Quintero indicated that there will be no closures of these, therefore caution is requested when driving from one municipality to another, likewise, they will be aware of any eventuality that it could happen to a motorist.

The National Weather Service forecast rains of varying intensity in much of the state, for most of the week. From yesterday Saturday and until next Friday, the probability of moderate to heavy rainfall increased in the mountains, valleys, and plains of the center, east, and southeast of the state, which includes the city of Durango.

As for the temperature, a noticeable thermal decline is expected for Sunday, with a possible maximum close to 22.0 degrees Celsius. From Monday to Thursday, a gradual thermal recovery is expected in the state capital.

Maximum values ​​of 26.0 degrees Celsius are expected for June, while Wednesday and Thursday the maximum will oscillate at 30.0 degrees.

The minimum temperature could drop to values ​​close to 12.0 degrees Celsius at dawn for the next three days. For now, Hurricane “Nora” will slowly border the coasts of the Mexican Central Pacific, causing intense rains at torrential points that could generate landslides and floods

The Durango Post