Mazatlan Firefighters are trained in water rescue techniques


First aid corps personnel prepare for rescue situations in times of rain

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- members of the group Fire of Mazatlan are trained as rescue swimmers to cope with eventualities arising during the season of rains in the harbor.

The commander of the Aquatic Squad of the Municipal Police of MazatlánGonzalo Magallanes, assured them that it is a training that will allow them to get ahead in situations in the rain and floods.

“These Firefighters personnel will be the first respondent in situations of rescue in waters during the rainy season, due to possible floods,” he explained.

He assured that they will also be trained to support beach areas, if required in the future.

The trainings take place every day in the beach area of ​​the Monument to the Fisherman.

The training will consist of several sessions until the team members are able to carry out the tasks for which they were prepared.


The Mazatlan Post