Candidates of “Va Por Sinaloa Alliance” close campaign in Mazatlan


Mario Zamora assures that with facts and works they will thank the port

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- “Here in Mazatlán the triumph of the governorship is going to be established and in my house, they taught me to be grateful, for that with deeds and works we are going to thank Mazatlán,” said the candidate of the Va alliance. for Sinaloa, Mario Zamora Gastélum before the thousands of supporters who attended the massive closing of the campaign carried out in the Obrera neighborhood, in the company of mayoral candidate Fernando Pucheta and aspiring deputies.

Together with his wife Wendy Ibarra, he reiterated the call to vote 4 of 4 this June 6.

He stressed that they will reach the governorship, municipal presidencies, and councils hand in hand with women and that Mazatlán will do better.

He promised to pave more streets, to provide greater security, to improve services and public spaces, and whoever wants to work will have cheap credit.

Mario Zamora told the thousands of people who gathered on San Luis Potosí Street, in the Obrera neighborhood, that there is very little to go until April 6.

He invited them to smile and asked not to be intimidated or fooled by those who already know they are lost.

“Do not be afraid of them, count on me and count on us, think of your families, think of your children, the coward only scares, but does not scare anyone well, who knows that he loves him, and I tell them that he will go to very well ”.

In his speech, the mayoral candidate, Fernando Pucheta, said that in each street tour, there was always a reason to move forward and say with certainty that he will know how to respond to the Mazatlan’s needs.

In addition, it undertook to pave 600 streets.

Previously, Mario Zamora closed the campaign in Rosario and Escuinapa, where he promised to solve water problems and support the productive sectors.


The Mazatlan Post