Mazatlan schools abandoned and in decay


Dirty, unpainted, graffiti and smelly, more than a year without being active

After a year after the government decided to suspend classes to prevent contagion of covid-19, in most educational institutions desperately need upkeep

Apparently, principals, teachers or parents, have not minded carrying out maintenance tasks to their schools, as seen by the Antonio Rosales Elementary School, located in the heart of the city.

It is enough to take a walk and be able to see from the outside how dirty the floor looks, the graffiti on its walls as well as its paint on the fences.

Of the windows, let alone, some without glass, others in poor condition, the murals that were once the center of attention, today are no longer so.

The property remains in decline, but especially in the hope that children and young people return to what it would be like to take face-to-face classes, which is currently difficult since the online modality is being taken as something official that could be established for an education future and say goodbye to classrooms.


The Mazatlan Post