These two beaches are Veracruz best kept secret


The Port of Veracruz is not the only tourist destination in the state where you can spend your next vacation, there is a great diversity of beaches that you cannot miss and that we will share with you here.


This paradisiacal place is located in the municipality of Tampico Alto, in the state of Veracruz, and has become one of the most visited beaches in that entity. Its water is turquoise blue and its fine, pearly sand, very similar to one of the most famous beaches in our country, Cancun.

It is located 30 minutes from the Veracruz coast and in this beautiful place, its visitors can swim, snorkel, dive and enjoy the marine spectacle of its reefs. To get to this marine oasis you can do it by boat or jet ski, from Regatas beach or Villa del Mar beach. Travel time is 15 minutes.

Cancuncito has become one of the favorite destinations of those who visit Veracruz, not only because of its natural beauties, but also because its waters have a depth of less than one meter and more towards the bottom of around two meters. You won’t find hotels here, but you can stay somewhere on Villa Rica beach, which is where the boats leave to visit this beautiful place.

If you decide to visit Cancuncito, you should take into account that during the rainy months, that is, from September to February, approximately, this beach is covered by water, so you could not walk and enjoy its pearly sand.

La Isla de Enmedio

One of the hidden treasures of Veracruz is the Isla de Enmedio, which also stands out for its turquoise blue water and white sand, very similar to those of the Mexican Caribbean. Like Cancuncito, this island is part of the Veracruz Reef System.

It is located approximately 23 kilometers southeast of Boca del Rio, and is home to various species of birds and marine species. To get to this beautiful place you can take a boat from the municipality of Alvarado. Some of the activities that can be done are snorkeling or paddle surfing.