For the holiday period, an economic spill of close to 600 million pesos is expected
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- For the Easter and Easter holidays, there are good expectations, it is even expected that hotels will be at their capacity limit allowed by the Covid-19 pandemic, reported Luis Terán Tirado.
The Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism, and Fisheries said that Easter will maintain a very good hotel occupancy of 65%, with confirmed reservations.
Hopefully, Mazatlán is full, with prevention measures for Covid-19, with an economic spill of close to 600 million pesos, for Easter
Terán Tirado
He commented that there are no plans to replace the Motorcycle Week, which was canceled, however, he trusted that Mazatlán alone will attract people on motorcycles anyway.
Terán Tirado announced that since Mazatlán will be full of visitors, there will be a team that was acquired from drones, which will be monitoring the beaches during Easter.
I detail that there will be three large and four small drones, which will be continuously flying the beach area to avoid crowds of bathers.
“Drastic and strong measures will be taken to avoid crowds and disorders within the beaches themselves,” he warned.