Of every 10 avocados purchased in the world, three are sold by Mexican growers.

Pay homage to the Mexican avocado.

The adventure begins among the branches of an endemic tree in Mexico that measures approximately 18 meters. An arboreal plant that is like no other, because legendary oval fruits that we call avocados lives among its branches. Small fruits on the outside have a rough shell and that on the inside is simply smooth. A delicious green poem that surrounds the roundest and most mysterious bone in history.


There are no appropriate words to describe the magnificence of its flavor and texture. However, the origin of its curious place name can be traced. The word avocado comes from Nahuatl ahuacatl which means testicle. According to the etymologists, the pre-Hispanic natives gave it this nickname because they bought its pear-shaped and elongated appearance with the male sexual gland.

But besides being an almost magical fruit? Because of its salty taste, it is often mistaken for a vegetable? Avocado is one of the best things that Mexico has. A gift of nature that was born in the bowels of our earth, which has been consumed in this place for 10 thousand years BC. And it is that since that time their virtues were already idolized.


The native peoples worshiped it and perhaps that is why when the Spaniards arrived they adopted it and decided to share this Mesoamerican fruit with other countries. It was at that moment that a legend began to be written that transcends borders that has been perpetuated for more than 500 years and that prevails to this day. Perhaps that is why in recent years avocado has been one of the main export products that Mexico has.


According to 2017 estimates, this small fruit has begun to outperform oil in terms of annual earnings. The avocado (as they say in South America) is so important to the national economy that some already call it “green gold” and it is no wonder if we consider that out of every 10 avocados that are bought in the world, three are sold by producers. Mexicans.

To give us an idea of ​​the power of this fruit, every year for Americans to see the Superbowl with guacamole, 100,000 tons are exported. This number makes the United States the first consumer of Mexican avocado in the world. The success of the avocado is attributed, among other things, to the fact that many doctors recommend its consumption because it is highly healthy.

And it is that despite the fact that the ahuacatl is grown in other parts of the planet, something has the climate and the land of Mexico, which here taste richer, they are meatier. Perhaps we would have to thank the state of Michoacán for the latter, specifically the Municipality of Tancítaro where 22 thousand hectares of certified avocado orchards are concentrated.


In conclusion, everything begins in the west of this country, there among the limpid horizon of blue sky, those black jewels are suspended in the air that one day will arrive in Japan and will make a Japanese man sigh, who for a second thanks to avocado You will think: these are the good things in life.

Back in March 2020 a box of avocado is worth almost five times more than a barrel of oil

In New York, a box of avocado costs $ 61.04, while a barrel of the Mexican export mix was priced at $ 13.01

A box of avocado is worth almost five times more than a barrel of oil

A box of Mexican avocado sold in New York supermarkets is worth almost five times more than a barrel of the Mexican oil mix produced by Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

As of March 5, 2020, a box of 11.3 kilograms of avocado produced in Michoacán costs $ 61.04 in New York, $ 58.05 in California, according to Infohass, an information portal where production figures for the guacamole raw material are published.

In Chicago, a box of Mexican avocado costs $ 56.23, just as in Texas the food used by Americans is worth $ 55.45 to accompany tortilla chips and meals at home whenever there is baseball, basketball or American football.

Tacos Por FAVOr makes its Super Bowl debut

More than 59 million 465 thousand 986 avocado boxes have been sent to the United States, in which more than 680 thousand 301 tons of the Mexican product went in the 2019-2020 season.

A barrel of the Mexican oil mix, which contains more than 159 liters of fuel, is worth $ 13.01 for the export market, according to Pemex.

The last time a barrel of oil cost $ 13 was at the end of November 2001, when it closed at $ 13.32. In those years there was the crisis of the com.

“Canada is by far the largest single supplier of crude oil to the United States. In 2017, it exported more to that country than the OPEC member countries combined. It is remarkable that Canada and Mexico supplied 49% of the total imported crude oil and 63 percent of the heavy crude oil in that year, “said Adrián Lajous, an energy analyst.

“The main oil blends continued their downward trend, in view of the expectation that movement restrictions to contain the spread of the coronavirus would destroy global demand,” said Gabriela Siller Pagaza, Director of Economic and Financial Analysis at Banco Base .

The economist commented that the risk of an economic recession caused by the pandemic and by the price war between the main oil producers prevails.

The nervousness around demand occurred despite the expansionary economic policies of the US government and the Federal Reserve.

Source: mxcity.mx, cobertura360.mx

Mexico Daily Post