Los Cabos limit outdoor exercise due to orange covid traffic light


Adán Monroy, Director of Health in the Municipality of Los Cabos, announced that the gyms are the first turns that must be closed due to the change in health alert.

The gymnasiums will be closed partially, while outdoor physical and artistic activities will be restricted.

Likewise, some recreational and socio-cultural activities are restricted, the allowed capacity for reactivated businesses will no longer be 50%, but 40%, a decline that was due to the growth of Covid-19 cases.

The official explained that in the case of gyms, only those that are in category “A” are allowed, that is, outdoors, those of level “B” are restricted, because the Health Alert System has regressed a level passing to 4, so you will not be able to go to parks or public spaces to do any physical or recreational activity.

He explained that within level 4, recreational and socio-cultural activities were restricted, while religious and worship activities, as well as boat rides, sport fishing, cinemas, theaters, libraries, museums, and galleries, work with a reduction in their capacity allowed, that is, from 50% to 40%.

He pointed out that the municipal authorities are carrying out a series of verification and inspection operations to proceed with the corresponding warning.

“What was previously allowed in level 3 according to the Health Alert System and now not, were group physical and sports activities in the open air, professional tournaments in public, clubs and workshops, on sports fields.”

Until now the restaurants, bookstores, fishing articles, internet cafe, some sports equipment shops remain open.

It should be noted that days before the sanitary decline, municipal authorities had decided to suspend public events, such as those held in Plazas Amelia Wilkes, Viva la Plaza in CSL, and in Antonio Mijares, the Garden of Art and Origins of Los Cabos, in San Jose del Cabo.

In addition to canceling live music and dance activities, whether in restaurants, shops, and other similar businesses, while in self-service stores, only one person per family may enter, access will be limited to pregnant women and adults greater.

Source: tribunadeloscabos.com.mx

The Cabo Post