Puebla decrees “dry law” indefinitely to contain Covid


The government of Puebla decreed the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages in stores starting this Tuesday and without an end date as a measure to contain the advance of contagion of people with Covid-19.

By issuing an official decree, Governor Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta determined to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages and uncorking, an already traditional practice at this time of year, throughout the state of Puebla.

However, the state president allowed the sale by glass in restaurants , always accompanied by food (lunch and / or dinner) at the established times and with the restrictions imposed on this type of business.

In the case of restaurants, it was determined that they will be operating in 25% of the 100% capacity and the after-dinner table is eliminated , as well as the maximum limit of hours of stay in a restaurant will be two hours.

In addition, the recorded or live musical ambience is also eliminated in all types of restaurant or cafeteria. Restaurants will be able to offer home delivery and take away service, by car or window until 11:00 p.m.

Among the measures imposed, it is established that all people who can work remotely, from home, must do so, especially office administrative work that does not require attention to the public or is part of a primary process.

You can only have meetings with friends and family if you live under one roof. ” Enclosed places ” shall mean any indoor environment, including private homes and other places such as restaurants.

Meetings with friends and family who are not part of the immediate circle may be carried out in groups of maximum six people. This limit of six includes boys and girls of any age.

The industrial sector and hotels will maintain 33% occupancy and the sectors of the economy in Puebla will join this effort that seeks to stop infections during these last days of the year.

Source: agenciaeluniversal.mx

Puebla Post