Deputies approve the reform of the Health Law to empower the authorities to dissuade, withdraw or disperse people from public and private places, agglomerations of people
In an ordinary session, the deputies approved reforms to the Health Law to empower the authorities to establish restriction and, where appropriate, dissuasion, withdrawal, or dispersal of people in and from public and private places with agglomerations of more than one person, which do not respect the health indications or do not carry the protection measures declared by the health authority to face a pandemic or determined by the health authority in the interests of health protection.
It is indicated that non-observance of the determinations decreed by the health authority during a pandemic, will indistinctly give rise to the following sanctions: withdrawal from the place in question, dispersal, and work in favor of the community.
The objective is to establish protection and containment programs aimed at health professionals, as they play a fundamental role in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic and are exposed to situations of intense and constant stress, causing them various reactions translated into, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physical, which sooner or later will be reflected both in their personal lives and in the performance of their professional activity.
Therefore, the State must foresee containment actions, not only to attend to the current pandemic, but also to formulate and implement them permanently, in order to guarantee public policies that create resilience, protect the health of the medical personnel and create the conditions in terms of risk reduction that allow guaranteeing the right to health with the present reforms to the Health Law of the State of San Luis Potosí.
It is established as part of the powers of the State Health System, to “design public policy actions aimed at achieving the permanent care and protection of health personnel, attending to the physical, material and psychological needs of the same, having as an axis human rights as well as the principle per person ..
Formulate and develop municipal health programs for the care, protection, and containment of health personnel who provide services in the municipalities, coordinating with the National and State Health Systems. The Health Services will help and advise the municipalities to develop their municipal health plans.