A 3-meter crocodile that appeared on Acapulco beaches finally captured (video)


According to witnesses, the crocodile, which was seen on a beach in Pie de la Cuesta, came out of the sea; authorities called for extreme precautions.

Personnel from the General Coordination of Civil Protection and Firefighters remain alert for the capture of a crocodile approximately three meters long that was seen on a beach in Pie de la Cuesta in Acapulco.

Cocodrilo aparece en playa de Acapulco | Presencia.MX

The municipal government urged the population, service providers, and visitors to exercise extreme caution on the sand strip when entering the sea, as well as to report any sighting of the crocodile.

The person in charge of the Civil Protection office, Cuauhtémoc Gayosso, reported that personnel from the agency, Fire Department and Ecology of the port, responded to the call of service providers during the first sighting, starting the routes for its capture, however, the animal had already abandoned the place.

According to restaurant reports, the crocodile is approximately three meters long, it came out of the sea and stayed on the sand strip for several minutes, a moment that was used by tourists to take pictures of it.

Cocodrilo de dos metros aparece en playa de Mazatlán, Sinaloa; sorprende a  turistas (+video) | 24 Horas

Civil Protection and Firefighters asked the population to report any sighting of the crocodile

Cocodrilo de 3 metros aparece en playa de Acapulco y autoridades alertan a  visitantes

After five days of searching, Acapulco Firefighters and Caleta Fishermen found and captured a crocodile that was prowling at Pie de la Cuesta beach, to the west of this tourist destination.

Since September 21, when the reported crocodile had been detected in the sandy area on Pie de la Cuesta beach and surveillance was being kept for its capture.

According to the head of the Acapulco Fire Department, the crocodile presents a picture of dehydration and malnutrition due to the days it has been out of its habitat once the Barra de Coyuca was opened.

In this regard, the Civil Protection coordinator, Cuauhtémoc Gayoso, acknowledged that “it is very complicated to capture the reptile since it was in the open sea and an operation was deployed to capture it.”

The director of the agency, José Hernández Ramírez, reported that the crocodile was very close to the beach of the Center for Technological Studies of the Sea (Cetmar), which is located almost in front of the Jardín Palmas neighborhood, to the west of the port of Acapulco.

Atrapan a cocodrilo que apareció en playas de Acapulco (VIDEOS) | La Verdad  Noticias

It is indicated that the crocodile measures more than two meters and is under protection at the Farallón Fire Station, waiting for personnel from the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) to have the place where it will be sent for its care and conservation.

Capturan a cocodrilo que nadaba en playas de Acapulco

The official statement indicates that the capture of the lizard was carried out by firefighters, and the president of a cooperative and some fishermen who came to search in boats on Caleta beach.

Atrapan a cocodrilo que apareció en playas de Acapulco (VIDEOS) | La Verdad  Noticias

Source: milenio.com

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