Beach vendor is run over by jet ski in Los Cabos (video)



LOS CABOS, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR.- A jet ski ran over a street vendor who was walking on the sand of El Medano beach located in the tourist city of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.

Local media reported that the woman lost her life at the site, after being left lying on the sand after the strong blow received by the jetski.

Mango Deck, Cabo San Lucas.

A video that captured the moment of the accident shows when the jet ski exits the sea without the driver on board, runs over the woman, and crashes on the shore of a restaurant called Mango Desk Beach Club.

After the surprising impact, people and employees who were at the scene ran to try to help the people who were left under the jet ski.

After the accident, the restaurant regretted the events that occurred on Friday afternoon, and declared, through its social networks, that the incident was caused by factors external to the establishment.

“Our facilities were directly damaged and our image collaterally, however, what concerns us, worries and regrets on a priority basis are the sad consequences of the accident “, informed Mando Desk.

Mango Desk Released

El Medano Beach is one of the most crowded in Cabo San Lucas, where the structure shows the famous Arch that this tourist site is identified with Baja California Mexico.

Mango Deck in Cabo San Lucas

You can also watch whales visit at different times of the year. In addition, various water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, jet-skiing, kayaking, and paddleboarding are carried out.


Baja California Post