This distinction or badge confirms to the public that a business complies with all the protocols and sanitary measures for its operation.
In recognition of the companies that have been concerned with following health protocols, and thereby provide their clients with the confidence of being a safe space, the State Government through the Ministry of Economy, Coepris and Civil Protection, launched the PASE business badge.

Javier Lizárraga Mercado, Secretary of Economy, explained that through PASE (Protocol of Attention and Health in Companies), Sinaloan firms and businesses will be able to report to their collaborators, suppliers, and clients that they comply with the guidelines and health protocols that the new law demands today in the so-called “new normal”.
“We are living a unique moment that requires the coordinated effort of all of us who are part of the economic cycle, it is essential that businessmen and authorities do their part so that the economic reopening leads us to an financial reactivation as soon as possible and we are focusing all our reffort on those goals, “said the secretary.
He also stressed that winning again the trust of customers towards products and services is no longer just a matter of quality, service and price, since the “new normal” implies a new approach, where the competitiveness of companies depends largely on the relevance of the health protocols carried out in their facilities.

The PASE badge is a response to the request of many businessmen that are seeking to understand this new modality and approach, explained the official.
“We want them to know that all the companies that have the PASE have made a great effort to comply with the protocols of the “new normal”, and that there is a real commitment to their collaborators, suppliers, and customers. And without a doubt, this will set the economy in motion in all productive sectors, especially those that were considered non-essential,” Lizárraga Mercado concluded.