Blow to tourism in CDMX: Budget from the Mixed Promotion Fund withdrawn


Far from supporting with strategies and resources a wounded tourism sector, the Government of Mexico City dealt a hard blow by approving that the entire budget mass of the CDMX Mixed Tourism Promotion Fund (FMPT) goes to the Treasury of the capital government.

As if this were not enough, the decision was made ignoring all the guidelines set by the Technical Committee of the FMPT and other regulations, without preventing this action from being carried out.

Before the arbitrary act, the business sector that is part of said Technical Committee raised its voice, and by means of an Open Letter asks the head of the CDMX Government, Claudia Sheinbaum, to reconsider this movement and comply with an unrestricted attachment to the legality of the heritage of the FMPT.

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The Trust Fund for the Mixed Promotion of Tourism in Mexico City is the body responsible for promoting the Mexican capital in the country and abroad. Paola Félix Díaz is the general director, and her budget comes from the Lodging Tax, which is fully labeled for this function. The amount amounts to 170 million pesos, according to tourism entrepreneurs.

The Open Letter, signed by the CDMX Hotel Association, AMAV CDMX, Canaco Mexico City, and Canirac CDMX, says that a meeting of the FMPT Technical Committee was called outside of legal time. It was 24 hours in advance when the constitutive terms indicate that they must be 72.

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The only point on the agenda was the disposition of the entire patrimonial mass of the aforementioned trust, but through a digital session, a mechanism that is not accepted by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for this type of changes in the Law in matter for the celebration of collective command bodies in moral entities and more in the case of such a transcendent issue for the heritage of the FMPT.

In spite of everything, the session was held and the four representatives of the private sector that participate in the Technical Committee of the FMPT that voted against the decision were surpassed by the other six government representatives.

“We express to you (Claudia Sheinbaum) the dissatisfaction of the private sector with the breakdown of cooperation, collaboration and understanding agreements that at express value had been accredited between your government and the private sector, and that fractured the confidence necessary to work for the benefit of the inhabitants of the CDMX. Taking resources other than its fiduciary purpose, fractures the legality, by modifying its destiny and application ”, clarifies the letter sent by the businessmen of the sector.

At an express question at a press conference, the head of government said she was unaware of this movement and promised to review the issue and clarify any illegality; although she discredited the questioning when pointing out that perhaps it was the fall in income derived from the lack of arrival of tourists due to the pandemic.


The Mazatlan Post