Food delivery people in Baja California must now pay 78,000 pesos for a permit to work


TIJUANA Baja California.- Don Iván is one of the almost 20 thousand food delivery men who work in the city and must dedicate at least 9 hours a day to earn enough to cover the maintenance costs of his motorcycle, which he still owes and carries the livelihood home. 

Por COVID-19 aumentan servicios de repartidores de comida vía app ...

“I dedicate to him, right now I am dedicating just 9 hours to him because I cannot dedicate more to him, because I am already tired, yes I have dedicated more, but with those 9 hours that I dedicate I take out my expenses,” he commented. 

He claims to be unaware that the deputies of the XXIII Legislature approved the collection of a work permit. The opinion rates the permit at 900 UMA, which means 78,192 pesos.  

“Well, it is a measure that is totally unfair because they do not know the expenses behind the exercise of this job, first they have to find out what it means to work at Uber Eats, we apart from the fact that we have to take care of the maintenance of the motorcycle, the day he stays repairing the motorcycle you are the one who pays and you stay days without working on what the motorcycle is delivered to you, he added.


The Mazatlan Post