Yasmin Esquivel, the judge known for plagiarizing her professional thesis, is captured on video on a luxury cruise


In a recent scandal that has rocked social media, Yasmín Esquivel, known as the judge who plagiarized her professional thesis, and one of the candidates for president of the Supreme Court of Justice, was caught on video during her holiday vacation aboard the luxury cruise ship Wonder of the Seas, purchasing an ostentatious necklace of precious stones at the Effy store.

The video, which has gone viral, shows Esquivel in a moment of apparent carefree luxury, contrasting sharply with the image of austerity that her party frequently promotes.

The footage shared by the X account of Latinus contributor Vampipe and other accounts such as that of Carlos Lara Moreno, captures Esquivel choosing and purchasing high-value jewelry, accompanied by a bottle of champagne.

These images have provoked a wave of criticism online, with comments questioning the congruence between her lifestyle and the austerity policies that her administration defends. Users like @chucho_cuerero and @exiliadojarocho have expressed their outrage, highlighting the irony of the situation in the face of the shortages faced by many Mexicans.

The video caused controversy and had a significant political and social impact on millions of Mexicans.

This Incident not only raises questions about Esquivel’s integrity and ethics but also casts doubt on her ability to represent and lead by example. Criticism is not limited to social media users; political figures and journalists have also weighed in, pointing out the inconsistencies between Esquivel’s behavior and her public responsibilities.

Source: Latinus

The Cancun Post