He is “El Tory”, the leader of “The Troop of Hell” who dared to attack the US Consulate in Monterrey


Years before becoming the leader of “La Tropa del Infierno”, Héctor Luna Luna, alias “El Tory”, evaded a DEA operation and threw a grenade at the US Consulate

Security cameras captured two men outside the United States Consulate (USA) in Monterrey, Nuevo León, who threw a fragmentation grenade and shot at the building: one of them was “El Tory”, Héctor Raúl Luna, who later become the leader of “The Hell Troop.”

Two years after the attack “El Tory” was arrested along with David Eduardo Fuentes Martínez in Saltillo, Coahuila; Both had in their possession five long weapons, a short pistol, two hand grenades, 30 cell phones and more than 20 kilograms of marijuana.

At that time “El Tory” – who was already accused of attacks and his alleged participation in the murders of soldiers and police in Nuevo León – acknowledged responsibility for the attack on the US Consulate allegedly ordered by his then boss, Zigfrido Nájera Talamantes, alias ” “El Canicón.”

Luna spent almost seven years in prison until a federal judge ordered his release despite the fact that he was serving a 20-year sentence for the crimes of drug trafficking, illegal possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the Army, and organized criminal activities.

“El Tory” free and leader of “The Troop of Hell”

Barely a year after his release (2018), the governor of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, identified “El Tory” as one of the main generators of violence in the state and a member of the most violent criminal organization with a presence in the Zetas region.

Around that same time, “El Tory” threatened to “blow up” the headquarters of the Nuevo León State Police; The message was transmitted through narcomantas hanging in several municipalities, which were taken as a real warning due to the danger of Luna.

But it was not until 2022 when “La Tropa del Infierno” was formally born as a product of the arrest of Juan Gerardo Treviño, “El Huevo”, and the quarrels in the intercourse of the Northeast Cartel, which in turn was created from a group that broke away from the Los Zetas Cartel.

“El Tory” and his brother, Esteban Luna, wanted control of the Northeast Cartel but Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, alias “Z-40,” did not let them, threatened them and ended up forcing him to take refuge in Cholula, Puebla, where he was finally captured last June.

The “Z-40″ has been imprisoned since 2013, but that does not prevent him from maintaining control of the Northeast Cartel and it is presumed that he sends orders to his subordinates through his lawyers, Milenio indicated with anonymous sources.

The US did not forgive the attack by “El Tory” on its Consulate

Two months before being captured, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) organized an operation in a hotel in Monterrey to capture “El Tory”; They had followed him for several days but the intelligence war was won by the leader of “The Troop of Hell.”

Before the DEA agents could capture “El Tory,” a Los Zetas commando entered a hotel and took five people believing they were undercover agents of the US agency, when in reality they were a teacher, a receptionist, a shoe salesman and a chemical engineer.

Officially, the DEA did not say anything, however, under anonymity, agents confirmed to ProPublica that they trained Mexican police officers, they arrived at the Monterrey hotel to follow in Luna’s footsteps but he beat them. Nothing was ever heard from the five kidnapped people.

Regarding the attack on the US Consulate, only some broken glass and damage to one of the bars remained – the grenade did not explode; Although the North American government expressed its concern and reinforced its security, it was not known what the reason for the attack was.

Source: Infobae