Florida and Caribbean cruise convention will break attendance record in Mazatlán


There are 23 shipping agencies with 500 representatives that have confirmed their attendance at the event

Mazatlán, Sin.- Around 500 representatives from 23 shipping agencies are already confirmed to attend the convention of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA), which will be held in Mazatlán from November 7 to 10.

Estrella Palacios Domínguez, Secretary of Tourism in Sinaloa, commented that with the confirmation of the participants they have already broken a record, and there are still days left until the event, so they estimate the attendance of 600 people.

“There are 23 shipping lines that are already confirmed and participants in general, we already have a record of participation in an event like these, for cruises, there are already around 500 confirmed registered people and it can still increase more between now and the event, We hope there will be a total of 600 confirmed people”

She said that this event will give Mazatlán an international projection and will position Sinaloa and the port as great vacation destinations in other countries.

The state official mentioned that from what has been discussed in the meetings to prepare the event, with the mayor and his cabinet, the artistic and cultural events at the convention will be in charge of the director of Culture Mazatlán, Raúl Rico.

She finally shared that she continues in constant meetings with the mayor of Mazatlán, Edgar González Zatarain and the Administration of the National Port System (Asipona), to refine details and provide attendees with a first-class event.

Source: Linea Directa