Eight murders are recorded in armed attacks in Michoacán in less than 24 hours


Michoacán.- Armed attacks left eight people dead and two injured in various events recorded in the last 24 hours in five municipalities of Michoacán.

Information from the Civil Guard indicated that two men were shot dead and one more was injured in an attack at the “El Huasteco” pool hall, in the La Zapata neighborhood, in Apatzingán.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the Riberas del Duero subdivision, in the town of Ario de Rayón de Zamora, a man and a woman were murdered in an armed attack, in addition to a 16-year-old teenager struggling between life and death after receiving seven gunshot wounds.

Likewise, two other men were shot to death and their bodies were found on the banks of the Morelia-Salamanca federal highway, near the municipality of Copándaro, near the intersection with the Mexico-Morelia-Guadalajara highway.

In addition, the body of a man, with severe signs of torture, was discovered inside a jute bag, on a dirt road in the town of Chiquimitío, north of the municipality of Morelia.

The eighth victim is a man who was murdered while walking near the town of Santa María de Guido, south of Morelia.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) opened five investigation files, but in none of the cases were any detainees reported.

Fourteen cartels or criminal groups operate in Michoacán that dispute control of illicit activities, as announced by the Morenoist governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla himself.

In the five years of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in Michoacán there is an official record of 2,854 missing people in the various regions of the state, although hundreds of citizen reports about disappearances are not counted as there are no complaints in the state prosecutor’s office.

Source: Latinus