The theft of manhole covers in Mazatlán is unstoppable; 9 disappear in a week  


In addition to the economic damage to the operating agency and affecting the health infrastructure, pedestrians and vehicles are put at risk 

MAZATLÁN._ After the “disappearance” of nine metal manhole covers was registered in a single week; The Municipal Board of Drinking Water and Sewerage requests the support of the Mazatlan population with their timely complaint about these events, due to all the implications that these events have for the operating agency and for users of the public highway. 

Carlos Brito López, Operations Manager of Jumapam, explained that this type of event occurs throughout the city on a recurring basis, however, in the last week there was a shortage of 9 caps, also called brocales, which generates problems of operational nature and road safety for pedestrians and vehicles. 

“Citizens are recommended to support us on this issue, reporting to 073, to be able to schedule and replace as soon as possible, to avoid vehicular or pedestrian accidents due to the lack of covers,” said the public servant. 

In addition to the imminent danger for any user of the public highway, the lack of these covers causes solid waste to enter the sewerage network, generating blockages due to garbage, even sacks of rubble. 

According to the records of Jumapam’s Administration and Finance Management, up to 200 covers are purchased each year, which means an investment of around 880,000 pesos, since their unit cost is 4,400 pesos. 

Brito López pointed out that both the possession, sale and purchase of these attachments is a crime, for which he urged the population to avoid incurring in this type of practice, if not on the contrary, support Jumapam in the proper use and infrastructure care. 

Source: Noreste