Do you want to sterilize your dog or cat? Check where the “cart” is with a free campaign in Mazatlan 


The government of Mazatlán maintains the free campaign to prevent the proliferation of homeless animals 

  To prevent the population of homeless dogs and cats from continuing to increase in Mazatlán, the Municipal Government, through the Directorate of Ecology and Environment, maintains its free pet sterilization campaign in neighborhoods and rural communities. 

This week, the sterilizing truck will be in two colonies of the port: Francisco I. Madero and Libertad de Expresión, where he will provide his services at no cost to strengthen responsible pet ownership among the population. 

This Monday, August 21 and Tuesday, August 22, the mobile unit will be in Colonia Francisco I. Madero, and will be located on Plan de Iguala street next to the Community Development Center (Cedecom). 

While from August 23 to 25 the sterilization truck will be in the Colonia Libertad de Expresión, on Avenida Alfonso G. Calderón and Calle Norma Corona. 

The opening hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., it is recommended to be there shortly before 8:00 a.m. 

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the work of the mobile unit, the Department of Ecology also provides free sterilization services at the Animal Welfare and Control Center (CEBICA), on Avenida del Sol at the corner with Genaro Estrada in Colonia Los Magueyes, 8 :00 to 1:00 p.m. 

Requirements for sterilization 

– Take your pet with a 12-hour fast 

– Take it in a transporter, box, box or burlap, to be able to move it. 

– Minimum age of four months and maximum of five years 

– Weight not less than 3 and a half kilos, clinically healthy 

– No females in heat (roaring) or lactating 

   Source: Linea Directa