Jamie Foxx Having Fun On Tulum Vacation, Months After Medical Emergency


Jamie Foxx Makin’ A Splash In Tulum … Vacay After Health Crisis

Jamie Foxx clearly isn’t taking life for granted after his life-threatening medical emergency … because he’s havin’ a blast on vacation, and looking as healthy as ever.

The actor was spotted living it up Wednesday in Tulum, Mexico where he enjoyed a dip in a cenote — ya know, those natural water pits in caves that put your backyard pool to shame!

Safe to say the guy’s getting better every day after April’s health scare, which required months of treatment, and rehab and recovery. We finally started seeing him last month, out and about in the Chicago area.

Jamie gave his fans a very promising update Wednesday, saying he’s “finally startin to feel like myself … it’s been an unexpected dark journey … but I can see the light.”

He said he’s someone that’s incredibly grateful — and offered up his thanks to everyone that was wishing him well in his uncertain time.

Jamie’s got the right idea, BTW … after a frightful couple of months, ya probably should follow it up with some serious R&R!!!

Source: TMZ