Business opportunities in Mexicali, Baja California 2023

TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, 06MAYO2020.- Larga espera para cruzar la frontera se ha registrado en la garita Internacional de San Ysidro durante los últimos días, esto debido a la reducción del horario de operación de la garita de Otay, de 6:00 a 22 horas en todos sus carriles. De acuerdo a usuarios la espera para cruzar fue de hasta cinco horas durante la mayor parte del día. La demora provocó un fuerte congestionamiento en avenidas aledañas al puerto fronterizo. Las restricciones para cruces no esenciales impuestas por el gobierno Estados Unidos se aplicaran hasta finales del mes en curso, actualmente sólo residentes y ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden cruzar la frontera, además de ciudadanos mexicanos que vayan al vecino país por un motivo justificable. FOTO: OMAR MARTÍNEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Cafeteria: According to the 100Negocios website, a cafeteria is one of the most profitable businesses in Mexico, since coffee is a very popular and demanded drink. In addition, you can offer other products such as cakes, cookies, sandwiches, etc.

Importing from China: According to the same website, importing products from China is a good option to take advantage of the low production costs and the wide variety of items that you can find. You can import clothes, cell phones, toys, accessories, etc., and sell them in your store or online

Industrial services for companies: According to the Data México website, Mexicali is a municipality with strong industrial activity, especially in the electronic and medical sectors. Therefore, you can offer services such as maintenance, repair, installation, cleaning, etc. to companies that require it.

Cargo Transportation services: Cargo Service companies that carry out all type of courier tasks for their customers and clients, and provides transportation of any type of goods including garments, merchandise, retail and whole consumer goods, and any other legal materials.

These are just some business ideas that you could consider to start in Mexicali in 2023. There is also a good job offer for university graduates.

Source: Secretaría de Economía e Innovación

Baja California Post