Beware of plastic cheese, these are the brands you should avoid, according to PROFECO


These are the brands of cheese that PROFECO does not recommend because they are harmful to health; We tell you what “plastic cheese” or “quesule” is

Without realizing it, we sometimes consume quesule at street stalls.

The Consumer Magazine published a study warning about “plastic cheese”, which is very similar to the real one because it melts, it is present in many street stalls, you could even eat it in quesadillas, or on corn or tacos without realizing it.

The taste of “plastic cheese” is different, since it feels somewhat stiff when biting into it, PROFECO revealed that it is made with ingredients such as starches and gums that give it its texture as if it were real cheese, it can also be a health risk due to industrial or artisan process.

What harm does eating quesule do?

The bases of quesule are usually pasteurized reconstituted skimmed milk or with partially hydrogenated vegetable fats or oils and added with caseinates that serve to concentrate the protein found in milk, and the PROFECO study determines that this cheese imitation can be a health risk due to the traditional or industrial process with which it is made.

What are the cheeses that PROFECO does not recommend?

In a quality analysis, PROFECO analyzed 30 cheeses, of which there are 8 low-fat, two lactose-free, two imitations, and seventeen brown sugars.

Franja Panela is imitation.

Los Pioneros de la V del Mu: imitation.

Queso Alpino is an imitation of the Oaxaca type.

Likewise, the Attorney General’s Office indicated that there are brands of cheese that do not comply with what their labels indicate, such is the case of Carranco, with less than 9.9 percent and Zwan with 4.4 percent less product.

Source: El Informador