The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (CONDUSEF) released the results of the supervision of 14 credit cards during 2022.
The supervision process regarding transparency and quality consisted of two stages; in the first, four of the 14 products analyzed received a failing grade, while in the second the number of failures fell by half.
According to the CONDUSEF, in the first stage it analyzed that the contractual documents and information used by the Financial Entities with the users, comply with the applicable regulations, for which reason client files are requested that contain documents such as an adhesion contract, title page, and statement of account. It was also reviewed that the Internet page, the publicity, and the informative pamphlet used by the institutions, have consistent information and do not rise to confusion.
“Of the irregularities detected, the CONDUSEF informs the Financial Institutions and orders them to carry out a Forced Compliance Program, with the purpose of solving said irregularities,” he explained.
In the second stage, the CONDUSEF analyzed the documentation sent by the financial institution as evidence of the changes they implemented in order to correct the irregularities detected.
The ratings were located on a scale from zero to 10. These were the results of both stages:

Only two institutions managed to reach the maximum rating in both stages: HSBC México and Banco Regional.
The CONDUSEF detailed that the main breaches that were detected were the following:
Accession Contract
It does not contain the express consent of the user.
The concept, amount and periodicity of the commissions that are charged to Users are not consistent with those registered in Banco de México.
Cover art
It does not indicate the legends on the risks applicable to the product.
It does not establish the concept, amount, and periodicity of the commissions.
Account status
It does not indicate the total number of monthly installments of term promotions.
It does not indicate the corresponding payment number of installment promotions.
It does not contain the description of each charge and payment.
Internet page
It does not provide consistent information against the contract, which is delivered to the User at the time of contracting.
In the “Check the Costs and Commissions of our products” link, it does not indicate the date of calculation of the Total Annual Cost (CAT).
It does not indicate the corporate name of the Financial Institution.
It does not indicate the legends about the risks that are not applicable to the product.
Source: Expansion