The cheapest tacos in Mexico? ONE peso for taco “to help people”


Are they angels disguised as tacos seller? They sell the taco for $1 peso to help families

In the State of Mexico, on the border with CDMX, there is a stall where the promotion is neither more nor less than tacos at one peso each.

“Tacos Karina” has 18 years of history and Mrs. Karina, its owner, said that she sells tacos for one peso to help families.

Although the tacos usually cost five for 10 pesos, on Wednesdays she decided to promote “2 x 1”, with which a taco cost one peso, and ensures that the meat is of quality, and she really wants to help her customers.

“We try to help them and even though you don’t earn much, people leave happy and full of blessings because they say ‘how, is it only one peso?’, but we’ve been here for 18 years now”

The tacos are on the border with Mexico City, near the Santa Martha subway station, and are usually open all day.

“With 10 pesos they already eat an order, we offer several meats, and it is quality (…) we have suadero, pastor and campechanos”

Source: La Razon