Tequila celebrates four decades of success of the Tequila Denomination of Origin


It is about to be five decades since tequila has the decoration of being the first denomination of Mexican origin

Last weekend marked the 48th anniversary of tequila being declared the first Mexican Denomination of Origin. The Tequila Regulatory Council reported that it was on December 9, 1974 when the resolution granting protection to the Tequila Denomination of Origin, provided for in the Industrial Property Law, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

“Since then, many things have happened, the growth of the national drink has elevated the name of Mexico in many corners of the world, because if you talk about our country you cannot fail to mention Tequila, the great ambassador of Mexico and of Mexicans,” the organization said. Being declared the first Mexican Denomination of Origin, Tequila needed a conformity assessment body and it was in 1994 that the Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) was created, which in addition to inspecting and certifying compliance with the regulations applicable to tequila , safeguards the national drink in Mexico and the world, and works to guarantee the consumer an authentic product.

As the first Denomination of Origin in Mexico, Tequila has been an inspiration for other Mexican products to have this protection, currently in Mexico there are 18 Denominations of Origin, 15 are agro-industrial and three crafts, originating from 23 states. More than 500 thousand families depend on these and between 2019-2020, their exports had a value of 4 thousand 475 million dollars. Tequila is currently protected in 56 countries, the last country that has joined the protection of Tequila is Vietnam, which last October recognized it as a Geographical Indication.

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From 2009 to date, that is, for 13 years, Tequila has surpassed its own export records and in terms of production and consumption of agave. It has also presented positive numbers, because of the above, the number of agave producers, established plants, jobs generated, economic income, annual wages, protection in the countries, the tourist offer, among other indicators, have grown.

Throughout these 48 years, the tequila agribusiness has also reinforced its commitment to the environment and the future for the next generations, becoming the first alcoholic beverage, worldwide, to guarantee a raw material free of deforestation through the ARA Certification Mark (Environmental Responsible Agave), the reduction of its carbon footprint, the implementation of reforestation actions, as well as investments in treatment plants, use of renewable energy and implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.

Source: informador.mx