Biden and Trudeau to visit Mexico in January during the North American Leaders Summit


The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), announced on Friday, November 25th, that U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will visit the country in January 2023 to attend the North American Leaders Summit.

The president affirmed that Biden and Trudeau will be in Mexican territory on January 8 and 9, while he specified that a bilateral meeting with both incumbents will be held beforehand.

In this sense, López Obrador pointed out that “it is being considered that there be a bilateral meeting with the United States first since they are the ones who are asking for this meeting. And then it is certain that there will be another bilateral meeting with Canada before the summit”.

Similarly, AMLO specified that the venue for the summit will be the National Palace. He adds that work is already underway on the agendas and issues that are expected to be addressed.

He explained that the planes of both visiting dignitaries will land at the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), in the State of Mexico, which is able to accommodate larger aircraft such as the ones they use for their state trips.

This summit will be President Biden’s first official visit to Mexico. As for Trudeau, he made an official visit in October 2017, during the administration led by former President Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018).

The trilateral summit, created in 2005 and normally organized annually, was held in Washington last year for the first time since 2016, after a four-year standstill during the Trump administration.

Source: OEM

Mexico Daily Post