A volcano could be Born: Experts concerned about a possible ‘seismic swarm’ in Michoacán.


Although previous studies have already been done for a possible seismic swarm, experts ask to continue with constant scientific surveillance.

In recent months, Michoacán has been the target of various earthquakes that have put the inhabitants of the area in check. Structural damage, injuries and some deaths have been the balance that this seismic swarm has left in this area.

What is a seismic swarm?

It is a set of seismic events or earthquakes of similar magnitudes that take place in a specific area during a short period of time; In addition, they usually occur at the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Seismic swarms can last from days, weeks and even months and are mainly related to the eruption of volcanoes, so the latest events in the state of Michoacán have worried hundreds of experts on the subject.

From May 1 to June 8, around 242 microseisms were recorded in the Uruapan region and the Uruapan-Guanajuato corridor, according to the Autonomous University of Mexico.

“The main question that arises is the possible volcanic activity, because Mexico is a volcanically active country, especially in that region, where there are more than 1,200 small volcanoes in the so-called Michoacán-Guanajuato volcano field,” said Carlos Valdés González. , Researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and current director of the Center for Mexican Studies UNAM-Costa Rica.

Seismic swarms are one of the precursors to the birth of a new volcano, Valdés González recalled that in 1943, the Paricutín colossus arose in that same area, which preceded a series of earthquakes very similar to those we have felt in recent months, for which he called for constant scientific surveillance of this phenomenon.

The expert also added that other alerts about a possible volcanic eruption or the emergence of a new volcano are the deformation of the land, evident alterations, gas emission and hydrothermal manifestations.

It is worth mentioning that the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) has already carried out previous studies in these areas that have ruled out danger due to volcanic activity in the region. These were made in 1997, 1999 and 2000.

Michoacan Post