Increases migration of Mexicans to the US with undergraduate or postgraduate studies


The number of emigrants from Mexico with undergraduate and postgraduate studies went from 4.3% in 2000 to 9.8% in 2020, according to BBVA-Conapo.

According to the 2022 Migration and Remittances Yearbook by BBVA Research and the National Population Council (Conapo), after the Covid-19 pandemic, the flow of Mexicans migrating to the United States has resumed.

The “Yearbook of Migration and Remittances 2022” highlights that between 2000 and 2020, the Mexican migrant population with undergraduate, professional, and postgraduate studies increased from 4.3% to 9.8 percent.

Thus, in 2021, after a contraction registered in 2020, 400,000 Mexicans went to the neighboring country to the North, so the volume of migrants went from 11.5 million to 11.9 million.

The report indicates that in a period between 2000 and 2020, a labor transition is observed in the occupation of the Mexican migrant population in the United States, because while 20 years ago almost half worked in the commerce and manufacturing sectors, currently they do it mainly in construction and hospitality and recreation.

“In the year 2000, manufacturing, commerce and agriculture were highly relevant among the sectors of activity of the Mexican migrant population, but they were losing their importance towards 2010, in favor of other sectors such as construction, hospitality and recreation, professional and administrative services and other services. The composition by sectors of activity is similar between 2010 and 2020”, highlights the document.

In 2020, of Mexican migrants in the United States, 19.5% worked in the construction sector; 13.8% in hospitality and leisure; 13.2% in manufacturing and 12.4% in professional and administrative services.

Employment, at pre-pandemic levels

The document highlights that although the employment of Mexican migrants in the United States was strongly affected by the pandemic, it has now returned to previous levels.

“By mid-2021, the level of unemployment and part-time jobs of the Mexican migrant population were already at pre-pandemic levels, even better than the native population,” he points out.


Mexico Daily Post