“Mexico has to show which side it is on”, declares the Ukrainian ambassador


Ambassador Oksana Dramaretska stated that Ukraine expects much more from Mexico. “Now you cannot be in the middle of this conflict”

Oksana Dramaretska, Ukraine‘s ambassador to Mexico, said her nation wants Mexico to do more to help them win the war.

We expect Mexico to do much more than now, to join the sanctions of Western countries (…) Mexico has to make its decisions, but this is our call and Mexico has to show which side it is on,” the Ukrainian diplomat said.

At the opening of the photographic exhibition “Ukraine today: Defending its independence and sovereignty” at the residence of the Delegation of the European Union in Mexico, Dramarétska highlighted the importance of Mexico in the conflict, especially because of the place it occupies in the Council UN Security.

Mexico does not have to be on the side of the aggressor, surely. It has to be on the side of the entire democratic world because Mexico is a democratic country,” he said.

Oksana Dramarétska emphasized that her country expects much more from Mexico because “now you cannot be in the middle of this conflict. Either you are on the side of the aggressor or you are on the side of the victim, supporting”, so it is important to point to Russia as the aggressor and emphasize that the invasion is intolerable.

We’ll see. We are going to win this war with the support of our partners, with the weapons we receive, we are going to win and liberate our territories,” the diplomat said.

Mexico Daily Post