An increase in violence against civilians in Mexico shows that AMLO’s “Hugs and not Bullets” public security policy is totally absurd


Last week in Mexico, an increase in violence against civilians was driven by gang attacks, shootings, and executions all over the country.

Armed suspects shot and killed a journalist and his daughter in Tamaulipas state, while members of the Union of People and Organizations of Guerrero (UPOEG) self-defense group clashed with military officers in Guerrero state.

In Tamaulipas, unidentified armed men shot and killed a journalist and injured his daughter outside his house in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas state, on 29 June. The journalist’s daughter died at the hospital a day after the attack.

The victim worked for a local newspaper reporting on agricultural and communal issues and had denounced the involvement of state authorities in corruption schemes (Animal Político, 30 June 2022). Following the attack, journalists protested and called for justice in Reynosa and Tampico cities. This attack contributes to the 180% increase in violence in Tamaulipas over the past week relative to the past month.

In Morelos state, a police officer physically assaulted a woman journalist as she tried to approach a group of government officials to request an interview.

In Tabasco and Campeche states, violence against civilians increased significantly last week. In Tabasco, gang attacks resulted in six civilian deaths. Meanwhile, in Campeche, police officers arrested and beat a man to death in Isla Aguada, Carmen municipality.

The incident triggered a demonstration by residents who assaulted local government officials and blocked a bridge, demanding the police take responsibility for the killing. These trends contribute to the 100% and 233% increases in violence in Tabasco and Campeche, respectively, over the past week relative to the past month.

In Guerrero state, members of the UPOEG self-defense group clashed with military officers in Marquelia municipality. The clash resulted in a UPOEG member being injured and seven others being arrested, including the UPOEG’s coordinator.

The arrests were followed by two consecutive days of demonstrations, with truck and bus drivers blocking roads and clashing with police in Acapulco while demanding the release of the prisoners.

In Chihuahua, northern Mexico, two Jesuit priests and one civilian were shot to death inside a church by a drug cartel regional leader that is still at large.

Mexico Daily Post