Mexico Ministry of Health will stop issuing Covid traffic lights as of May


The current Covid traffic light will be in force until May 1 and will be the last to be issued, confirmed the Ministry of Health.

The Covid traffic light, which traditionally served as an instrument to identify the risk of virus transmission in the states, will cease to be issued as of May, announced the Ministry of Health (SSa).

According to the agency, the Covid traffic light has been green for four consecutive sessions, of 15 days each, which means a low risk of contagion.

Semáforo – Coronavirus

“The projection we have is that it will still remain green for a long time, perhaps in the winter there will be a rebound in infections, but with so much protection from the vaccine, it will not be like that for deaths and hospitalization,” the SSa clarified. .

Due to the above, the health authorities decided that the Covid traffic light will no longer be issued, the one in force ends on May 1 and will be the last.

Covid traffic light and face mask, what are the changes in Mexico?

The Ministry of Health, in addition to announcing that the Covid traffic light will no longer be issued, announced that there is no longer an extreme need to use the face mask as at the beginning of the pandemic.

“We are in a phase of minimal transmission, in Mexico and in many other countries, what this allows us with respect to the face mask and other measures is to consider that the extreme need to use it is no longer as noticeable as it was in very active periods of the pandemic,” the agency said.

The face mask, he recalled, is a measure to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 and to the extent that a large number of people use it, the risk of contagion decreases.

Some state governments that at the time decided to establish the use of the mask as a mandatory measure, declared in recent days that this obligation is withdrawn.

However, the Ministry of Health will not announce the same measures, because “we never declared the mask mandatory”, but what it did confirm is that at this time its use is no longer essential.

Finally, he pointed out that the health safety guideline that was released when Mexico entered the phase of the new normality, will have a new version in which indications “that were of little use, such as sanitizing mats ” were removed.

Mexico Daily Post