Santiago, Nuevo León: a fantastic Pueblo Mágico not far from Monterrey (VIDEO)


Hidden between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra de la Silla, Santiago is a Magical Town that awaits your visit. Although the houses and streets of the town are a great attraction, there are many more things to do here.

In the temple of Santiago Apóstol, built in 1745, as well as the Municipal Palace, erected in 1910, the architectural style of the 18th and 19th centuries is preserved. In the streets of Santiago you can breathe a calm provincial air that invites you to rest. After relaxing on a bench, ask for a table at one of the many restaurants serving local and international food.


This town joined the Pueblos Mágicos program in 2006.
On March 21, 1831, the Congress of the State of Nuevo León granted the rank of "Villa" to the until then valley of Santiago del Guajuco.
Originally these lands, which today make up the municipality of Santiago, were inhabited by nomadic gathering tribes of “guachichiles” Indians, mainly from the “Rayados” and “Erased” nations.


Presa La Boca
Horsetail Waterfall
Main square
Parish of Santiago Apostol
Santiago History Museum
Hidalgo square


Gastronomic show, the first Saturday of June a gastronomic show is held in which the restaurants of the area meet to offer regional and international dishes as well as desserts and typical drinks.
San Pedro and San Pablo, on June 29 these saints are celebrated in the square with masses and processions.
Mr. Santiago, on July 25 the patron saint of the town is celebrated
Apple Festival, in the second fortnight of August, the producers of the area meet and exhibit their fruits and food derived from the apple.


The location of this municipality is in the vicinity of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Source: SECTUR

Monterrey Daily Post