Mexico will continue buying fertilizers from Russia says AMLO


López Obrador said that Mexico will not achieve self-sufficiency in fertilizers, but it will in gasoline.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that Mexico will continue to buy fertilizers from Russia, the country’s main supplier of these chemicals.

Asked about this issue during the morning press conference, the Mexican president pointed out that the efforts to raise the petrochemical industry will not be enough and that during his administration, Mexico will not achieve self-sufficiency in terms of fertilizers.

“We had a fertilizer industry and we were self-sufficient, but with the neoliberal policy the entire petrochemical industry that had been built for several decades was destroyed,” he said Thursday from the National Palace.

“ We are raising the fertilizer plants. But it will not allow us, even rehabilitating them. There is a lot of missing deficit. We are not going to achieve self-sufficiency, but we are going to have a greater supply of fertilizer,” added AMLO.

However, López Obrador promised that his government is committed to delivering all fertilizers free of charge to producers in Guerrero, Puebla, Morelos, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Durango, Nayarit and Zacatecas by 2022.

He also told the director of Pemex and the Secretary of Agriculture to present the plan to increase the production of fertilizers in the country during a morning conference.

In this context, the head of the Executive stated that contrary to what happened with the petrochemical industry, the “previous governments” were not able to destroy the entire refining industry, so in this case the company and Mexico can be recovered. it will produce all the gasoline it consumes by the end of 2023.

“Fortunately we are raising oil refining to produce gasoline. We want to be self-sufficient. It is a reconversion process, that is why we are rehabilitating the six refineries, that is why the Deep Park refinery was bought and we are building the Dos Bocas refinery. In addition to building a coking plant in Tula. We think that by the end of next year, we will already be producing all the gasoline we consume ”, he indicated.

President @lopezobrador_ estimated that by 2023, Mexico will produce all the gasoline consumed in the country.

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