Mexican ambassador in Ukraine, Olga Beatriz García Guillén, organized the evacuation of families

Olga Beatriz Garcia Guillen

The Mexican government needs to evacuate 50 families from the cities of Kyiv and Odesa in Ukraine because their lives are in danger in that region.

A group of 50 Mexicans in that country has expressed interest in leaving, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has replied.

The Mexican ambassador in Ukraine, Olga Beatriz García Guillén, says Mexico will organize a caravan heading to the border region with Poland to evacuate those who want to leave.

During a virtual press conference headed by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, the ambassador reported that she will personally command the evacuation operation and hopes that other families of compatriots will join their private vehicles.

García Guillén explained that on February 16, a group of Mexicans participated in a similar caravan that saw them moved to the Poland border where they can evacuate quickly if need be.

For his part, the Mexican ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Juan Ramón de la Fuente reported that the United States will send a draft resolution to the Security Council, which will be analyzed “paragraph by paragraph, word for word.”

“I can anticipate that it will be a tough project condemning, of course, the invasion of the Russian Federation, reiterating support for Ukraine,” De la Fuente said.

He added that once the document is reviewed, it will probably be put to a vote today or maybe tomorrow morning.

“It depends on how the negotiations go.”

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, reported that Mexico maintains its relations with the Russian Federation because “it is one of the things we have to do: maintain dialogue with the different parties that are unfortunately participating in this conflict.

Source: Excelsior

Mexico Daily Post